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A career abroad? Yes!

Three months’ work experience in the USA changed her life. For the Hungarian Yard Manager, too, Doka was the gateway to the world. A third was in the Ivory Coast for his project.

Kathrin Laimer never thought that she would ever move abroad. She studied E-Business Management & Management at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems and took up the opportunity in her fourth semester to spend three months’ work experience at Doka in the USA in New Jersey and Florida, and then at Doka Canada in Calgary. It was long enough to know that she would apply for a job at Doka after finishing her studies.

Kathrin Laimer

Kathrin Laimer | Branch Support Specialist in the USA National Operations Team

“When I was a child, I never envisaged leaving Austria. But after a brilliant spell of work experience at Doka USA, I recognised that it was just the right thing for me. A great team, an interesting job, an opportunity to live near to one of the best cities (NY), getting to know new people and discovering the world. At the moment, I haven’t got a definite plan but I do know one thing: I would like to have an interesting job and grow with Doka.”

When she left university, Kathrin Laimer started work as an Inventory Analyst at Doka USA in 2018. During this time she shared responsibility for movements of materials from the distribution centre to various branches and supported her colleagues in Operations at the branches in the course of their day-to-day work and during training courses.

When new software was introduced, she became one of the program experts and, in addition to material supply, she was also responsible for training colleagues. She described one of her great successes to date as the development of a concept that made movements of material within the company in the USA more efficient. After returning to the headquarters in Amstetten, she noticed after a year that she had left her heart in the USA. Since June 2022, she is again working as a Branch Support Specialist for the USA National Operations Team.

Together we drive momentum

As part of the Umdasch Group, we at Doka aim to not only be economically successful, but also fulfill our ecological and social responsibilities as well as our responsibility as an employer. Therefore, we regularly set impulses within and outside our company and drive international initiatives that make our common working and living environment more sustainable.

The Doka Yard Manager Daniel Laszlo Gyenese started his Doka career in Hungary and since then has already become familiar with many of our sites. His first move was to Calgary, Canada. Later he relocated to Dubai as Assistant Yard Operations Manager, before returning to Hungary as Operations Manager Country. But that was not permanent, because Singapore soon came calling. Since then, he has been responsible for Operations in Singapore and Malaysia.

What does he like about it? The challenges it gives him and the opportunity to develop his knowledge in the Operations field. What is he? A true “Doka man”. And, in this role, he values working with people with different cultural backgrounds, different perspectives and another language.

Daniel Laszlo Gyenese

Daniel Laszlo Gyenese | Head of Operations

“Moving home is always emotional. You leave a bit of yourself behind but you also have the opportunity to gain much more.”

“The most important achievement is that it is now easier to “sell” Doka’s aims and standards to colleagues.” My recipe for success? Never say no.”

After completing his apprenticeship as a plumber and some welding courses, at the age of 24 Harald Huber gained his degree through adult education at a Higher Technical Education Institute. He has worked for the Umdash Group since 2006. First he worked in production at St. Martin, then in maintenance in Amstetten, after that in Umdasch Group Ventures on the “mobile field factory” project until he went to the NEULANDT 3P product at Neulandt GmbH in Amstetten in 2019. With its N3P field factory, Neulandt produces precast concrete members for high quality and affordable residential housing – directly on the construction site. He visited Ivory Coast for the first time in 2019. Now he has, with a few interruptions, been working there with Neulandt since January 2022.

He had never asked the question of whether it is pleasant but rather whether it is necessary. Harald Huber definitely has a positive view of moving home, because he makes use of every change to gain impressions and experiences. He finds life in a country with a tropical climate exciting. Also, he likes the fact that nothing can be taken for granted. Neulandt’s production here started exclusively with unskilled workers and production was only managed by Ivoirians. Untrained people can also work in production by dispensing with automation. What drives Harald Huber? To give everything to see the success of the Neulandt project on the market.

We wish everyone continued success!

Harald Huber

Harald Huber | Head of Project Delivery - Neulandt

“You need to have been somewhere else to understand why and how it is different.”“I think that personal suitability and satisfaction with your own work is more important than to live somewhere unwillingly for a few years.“

Doka and Umdasch Group are committed to sustainable development.
This is why we subscribe to initiatives that are aligned with the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals”.

Good health and well-being
Quality education
Gender equality
Decent work and economic growth

An excellent combination of work and family life

Satisfied employees offer tremendous potential! Doka does its bit to create happy families with Umdasch Nest. At our Amstetten site the little ones are well looked after in our company’s own crèche, including in the years before they are old enough for the kindergarten.

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A deliciously cool start to the employee engagement survey

Improvements depend on honest feedback. This is why the Umdasch Group introduced a global engagement survey so that all employees have an opportunity to make their views known.

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Responsibility is part of the deal for the Umdasch Group

The Umdasch Group has set itself the goal of linking knowledge, business and values and thus fulfilling the responsibility that both the Umdasch Group and its companies have to society.

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Step by step to more fitness!

Sports not only have an immense impact on your health, they also have a positive effect on well-being. Doka Saudi Arabia has acknowledged this and launched a three-month fitness challenge.

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Doka brings self-directed development into the Spotlight

Doka and the Umdasch Group have set themselves the target to support employees in our complex and fast-moving world of work in the best way we can to achieve flexible and needs-based development that is useful for them. The route we have chosen is tailored learning offers for independent development.

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New land with NEULANDT

NEULANDT’s portable precast plant N3P is on its first mission to Abidjan on the Ivory Coast. N3P allows for the industrial production of precast elements directly on the construction site. This creates added value at a local level and high process efficiency. The results are sustainable, affordable living spaces, as well as a better social infrastructure.

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Powder coating 4.0

The cutting-edge powder-coating system has been in operation near the Amstetten headquarters since 2021. What can such a system achieve? Every single step of production can be optimised for sustainability, using the latest robot technology, digitalisation, automation and state-of-the-art technology. It protects the environment and people.

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Seven Climate Rangers show the way

Seven Doka employees completed the Climate Ranger Academy to develop their knowledge on climate protection and mainstream this knowledge within Doka's business environment. This is because transformation will only be successful if sustainability is reflected in the strategy, the business’s own core processes and in its everyday processes.

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Sustainability wins prizes

What is the idea behind the Umdasch Group’s Sustainability Prize? It is to promote projects that work towards a sustainability strategy and these projects are within the company itself. What started in 2020 is now an annual event. Employees are very enthusiastic and motivated.

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A green light for green energy

Over 10,000 sq.m. of solar panels will have been installed on the roofs of buildings in Amstetten, St. Georgen and St. Martin by the end of 2023. Thus around 9% of electricity required each year at the Amstetten site can be covered with solar power.

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A clever move!

Doka’s transport logistics in Amstetten are attracting attention with their strong, sustainable focus on expanding intermodal traffic. Consignments are transported in combination with railways. More and more Doka countries are joining.

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Doka Sweden’s vehicles are going green

Doka Sweden’s trucks are producing 80–90% fewer greenhouse gases by using a different sort of green fuel. HVO100 fuel is leading the way in the sustainability stakes, as it is primarily made of waste fats such as cooling oils or animal fat.

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Carbon footprint for around 7,000 products

From the procurement of raw material and production through to delivery to distribution centres and branches worldwide, use on construction sites, repair and cleaning and, finally, the recovery and recycling phase of the product. Around 7,000 products have been examined right down to the last detail. Or, to be more accurate, to calculate their carbon footprint.

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The end of paper!

Doka Amstetten is achieving in practice what was earlier thought to be unimaginable. There was great enthusiasm as they discovered and appreciated the advantages of paperless manufacturing. If an appropriate device is used, digitalisation brings very important advantages, especially in production. Everything is right up to date – with just a couple of clicks.

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A career abroad? Yes!

Three months’ work experience in the USA changed her life. For the Hungarian Yard Manager, too, Doka was the gateway to the world. A third was in the Ivory Coast for his project.

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