

Doka sys­tem formwork cov­ers wide ar­eas of formwork ap­pli­ca­tions. Spe­cial fac­tors or struc­tu­ral re­quire­ments and unu­su­al shapes call for an in­di­vi­d­u­alised ap­proach, how­ev­er. This is where the Doka Pre-as­sem­b­ly ser­vice comes in, 'tailor-mak­ing' cus­tom formwork units for you. By com­bin­ing Doka sys­tems with cus­tom-built so­lu­tions, this helps to achieve eco­nom­i­cal­ly ef­fi­cient con­struc­tion work­flows:

  • less assembly work needed at your site
  • faster workflows, as forming can be performed with precise-fitting accuracy
  • rapid forming progress, with improved concreting results
Pre-assembly service