As the Umdasch Group considers itself a continuously learning organisation, the development of each individual employee plays a very important role to us. This is why your involvement in one of our companies is always accompanied by growth in skills and knowledge - and by movement instead of routines and stagnation.
To support you in your individual development, we offer a wide variety of practical and consequent training of the most important skills, competencies and methods which are necessary for international and sustainable success in an ever-changing world of work:
健康状態に多大な影響を与える要素である、あなたの栄養状態、運動の習慣、精神状態について、責任能力、意欲、誓約事項を示してください。Umdaschグループの「Fit at Work」は、このグループで働く人々が生活習慣と環境を最適化して、職場で計測可能で目に見える結果を出せるよう支援します。この成果は、すべての経営陣と従業員がそれぞれのプロジェクトグループで、さまざまな事項を管理するというその相乗効果によって得られます。